IRC Bandenwarmers EVO. De temperatuur van de bandenwarmers is handmatig digitaal in te stellen. Verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren en maten.
Productkenmerken IRC Bandenwarmers EVO
- Carbon wiring for 100% reliability. Standard copper wiring becomes very fragile when high temperatures are reached, while carbon wiring can be twisted or crushed without any failure.
- Snake Wiring design from one side to the other and not parallel to circumference.
- New Insulating materials for a top performance tyre heating uniformity.
- Inner layer in NOMEX 100% certified.
- External layer in gummy polyamide for an optimal temperature resistance.
- Flame retardant material.
- Side bands for rim heating: not only the tyre is warm, but also the rim, which helps maintaining the heat in the tyre.
- Elastic circumferential closure for an easy in-out.
- Equipped with a transparent pocket to insert labels ( rider name, tyre type etc )
- Only 1 display for both wheels for an easy set-up and control. This means there is only one power cord that connects with the wall plug. The front and rear warmer are connected via a special power cord.
- The temperature is programmable for both wheels separate.
- Two heating ramp velocities to reach the set temperature, related to tyre compound.
- Start delay option, so you don’t have to remember to switch on the warmers.
- Indication of time since set temperature was reached.